Friday, January 15, 2021

Wonderful Day

Today Liz, my sister, came over and we worked on genealogy all day.  I have mounds and mounds of papers from as far back as the 1800's!  It will take us a while to get it all entered here and on Ancestry, but that is our plan.  The headstone above is that of my Aunt Connie (Nimrod) Ember and Uncle Ed Ember - it is rose granite which I love.

This evening Stephenie brought her bestie from her growing up years, Vicky, and Vicky's significant other, Ted, over.  Raelee came along as well.  Steve grilled for us all.  Todd's new job started today and he had crashed already, so he missed out.  

I stole this pic from Stephenie's Facebook because I want to share a pic of the friends:

It has been a long day, but I am super stoked about the genealogy.  I love looking at old pictures and documenting them.  I often wonder about our pictures now - cell phones, digital and no documentation.  I wonder if the world lasts another 100 years how the new kids will know who the old kids were...

Off to bed now.  Been a long, but wonderful day.  Tired doesn't begin to cover it.

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