Monday, January 25, 2021

Crochet, Quilt, Sew, Repeat

Since I don't go out a lot because of Covid and how easily I tire, I have to be busy, so I spend my time crafting.  I am crocheting a little baby afghan and I really like the colors.   This is the first time I have ever attempted a shell stitch and I finally figured it out!  Now is it correct?  I have no idea, but it is working and it is pleasing to look at.  I really love the colors.  I want to try a fine, soft yarn soon.  I wonder if it is difficult to work with?

I would also like to learn how to make these - I love using them!

Either kind is wonderful.  They look simple... are they?

This quilt had 10 blocks previously finished.  I picked it up at an estate sale - it was in a box with other blocks for $4!  I am trying to get finished with unfinished project - both mine and ones I have picked up.  This is be my next quilting project - 
probably will be a lap quilt for the nursing home.

This is one unfinished project, I had cut it out and put it together, but now done the hand stitching and added the button.  I did that yesterday.  I kinda like my new pin cushion!  I collect pin cushions by the way - and I particularly collect antique ones.


I have ingrown toenails. I have tried a podiatrist.  Believe me a pedicure is much nicer, less painful and it gets the job done - for a lot less money.  Today I got a pedicure.  I love the Vietnamese pedis - I have not found anyone that does as good of a job as they do.  

After that, I went to help a friend, Mrs Betty, organize her yarn. She has yarn - lots and lots and lots of yarn.  And she lives in a little apartment.  I worry about her getting around with big totes of yards from one end of the room to the other. I organized, labeled and stacked 5 large totes today.  They are clearly labeled - and I sat the yarn on ends so she can look in the tote and see every color in the tote.  I thought about organizing it that way, in the middle of the night, when I was awake clawing at my body. Itching insanely with no clue why.  It was driving me insane and keeping me awake.

So this morning I took my meds and while doing so, I was trying to figure out when this itching started.  There is absolutely no rash - just a insane deep itching, like my throat, deep in my ears, my skin but also my muscles inside!  I remembered telling someone about it before it was bad... who was it? 

Ahhh, that is right, it was my Dr!!  When was that?  3 weeks ago today - my last IgIV.  It had just started 3 days prior.  We could not figure out what it was, so he told me to take Benadryl and we went on... for 3 weeks I steadily got worse.  Then after taking my meds this morning I realized I started a different antibiotic in my rotation (of 3) exactly 3 days prior to my Dr Visit.  And so, I figured it out.  Lol.. after I downed my morning capsule. 

And that my friends is how long it takes me to figure things out. Brain fog is deep.  Hopefully the itching goes away now.  I guess I am down to 2 oral antibiotics.

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