Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Ada Mariam Tucker Nimrod


Steadily worked on my genealogy today. I came across this picture of my paternal great grandmother, Ada Mariam Tucker Nimrod (1875-1958).  

She looks adorable and very much like my paternal grandmother - even though she was grandma's her mother-in-law - no DNA relation.

Spent most of the day sorting Bryant's, Vernon's, and Nimrods.  Gosh I have a lot of genealogy STUFF!  I think I have it mostly separated out, I just need to go through pictures now.  Thankfully, our uncle is able to identify most pictures and I have asked grands and marked names on the back of most. 

My mom was adopted.  Talk about a mess to do a family tree!  I was very fortunate by getting my mom's original birth certificate.  How strange - the feeling was disbelief actually.  I did a DNA test years ago and her birth father's surname shows up in our family DNA.  It will be interesting to start matching once I get all this mess straight.

The President of the USA was sworn in today.  I watched bits and pieces of it.  The fanfare is fun to see, but I do worry about the last few presidents; haven't much liked any of them.  Obviously I am in the minority.  Anyway, watched a bit as I slept a lot.


Feeling better today, just took it easy, filed as I could and slept in between.  I did sleep a lot. If I sat, I was out.  I didn't feel awful, just get tired way too easy.  

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