Monday, January 25, 2021

The Covid Vaccine

I was told the other day that I must be not as afraid as everyone else of because I am used to avoiding everything already.  Like this is a breeze to me.

The truth is, heck no I am not used to how it feels to expose us every time we have to get groceries!

I have been watching the health department trying to get a shot.  I am obviously not good at it, because I still don’t have an appointment - much less the shot.  Someone told me to try Wednesday nights.  Others Thursday mornings.  Some are skilled and got right in there.  I have yet to even figure it out!  And I am not an elderly person trying to do this.  Can you imagine how they feel?

So here is the real kicker - I am trying to get a shot that will likely not help me one iota because, “Hello!  I have a PI!”  Most of us PI patients are lucky IF we hold a titer to ANY vaccines.  It is actually a challenge we have to take all the shots, then go back for blood work to see if it looks like we had them.

It is a kinda “well, we can hope” type of thing.  We may or may not hold “a titer”... if we don’t it is like we never got a tetanus vaccine... or pneumonia vaccine... or Covid vaccine.

No, I am not more comfortable with it.  I am down right afraid, because half the world has straight up said no they are not getting the Covid vaccine.  That means that crowd immunity will not happen for me and others like me - therefore meaning this is my life; the way it will be for me, forever - esp if my  titer doesn’t hold.

Am I going to sit home and be terrified to walk out my door?  No.  I will “social distance”, “wash my hands often”, “wear a mask”, PRAY and use my God given common sense.

And I will do as I always do - the best I can in any situation.  And I will be brave enough to continue to go beyond our doors because I have adjusted to what the world has required.  I won’t live in fear.

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