Sunday, February 7, 2021

The Covid Vaccine Story


When filling out the questionnaire for the Covid Vaccine I had to dishonestly answer the questions.  Oh, make no mistake, I knew what I was doing.  But take a look at the questions had to answer...

Here are some of the questions:

My true answers:
1.  Ummm, no, I don’t think so?
2.  Yes, I have a chronic sinus infection and asthma.
3.  No, I am a PI patient, I don’t run temps.
4. No, but  I haven’t tasted or smelled anything in years.  Again chronic sinus infections.
5.  Yes, I have half a colon now.  They took out the part that absorbs water.
6.  Nope!

More questions in the criteria:
7.  Have you ever had a serious reaction to a vaccine? Only one serious.  The pneumonia vaccine.  104 temp and huge red arm.
8.  Do you presently have any infections?
Every single day.  Always.
9.  Do you have muscle and joint aches?  Yes.

And now I get to listen to people 
“hoping you will be ok, I know 2 people who died after getting the vaccine - just in my state.”
“You know a Dr died after taking it.”
Or, “now you have the chip!”
Or “you never know the long term effects...”

My Dr blessed my vaccine and NIH approved it.  I am not thrilled to take it, I hate not answering the questions correctly, but if I did I would have never gotten a vaccine. I don’t know if it is a blessing to have gotten it or not, but I am trusting the Drs and more so God.  He seems to have a plan for me.

Today was an “off” day.  I tried making a gluten free pie again and made a mess of it.  I gave up and made a normal pie dough for my apple pie - which thankfully was delicious.

We made a gumbo.  As we were serving I realized I had forgotten the okra!  What the heck?!?  Okra is now added, but dang!  I was off today!!  Thank goodness it is nearly over!

Health wise, just awful fatigue and general (my normal) achiness.  Arm is just a tad sore, I still don’t speak a foreign language and I don’t glow in the dark.  I might make it.  

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