Thursday, August 12, 2010

Behind the Line Please

I am feeling much better mentally today - getting back on the right track.  Have a ways to go, but I hope this weekend works through that.  I am not 'there' yet, but well on the way.  Thanks for all the letters of moral support I received.  It sure does help to know you are there.  Honestly I do know I have people to lean on, it is just something that I cannot share with anyone.  It is something I have to deal with by myself, but sometimes it seems like the muck is just too deep - then I remember I need to give it to God and let Him handle it - because none of us can - especially me.  And especially this.

Anyway, back to Singapore.  One thing that annoys me here are the lines at the MRT.  No, not the lines, but the crazy people that block the doors of the MRT so people cannot get off.  There are always a buttload of people that barrel up to the door of the MRT and have to stand right in the doorway where people are trying to come out. 

Do you see a problem here?

No, they don't generally move aside when the doors open.  How in the heck are people supposed to remove themselves from the MRT and let these yo-hos on?  Come on people - can't you see it might be just a tad more efficient if you stepped aside to let them off instead of trying to bulldoze your way in as they exit?  No worries, I promise you will have a moment to get on after you step aside - heck, I bet you might even get a few extra moments because those exiting actually CAN get off instead of trying to dodge the bullets.

Frustrations running high right now, can you tell?  I have so many more pictures of this, but you get the idea just off of these.  

Step aside please - behind the solid line.  

Here is a hint:  just look at the arrows - they are self explanatory.  Ok, obviously not.  Can't figure it out?  Ask me - I will be glad to show you.  

Better yet, use your noggin' folks - it is really a novel idea.  Stand out of the way of the exiting passengers - you won't get stampeded.  

Give it a shot - see how that works for you.  It works great for a lot of us.


Cajunrose said...

Paris was like that...they didn't have lines on the ground though and people just didn't care. At least you guys have doors blocking the subway tracks...Paris didn't have those and I could EASILY see a little kid falling in or an adult loosing their balance. Very scary.

Michelle Beney said...

Mrs Euvah, the lines don't mean anything and they don't work! i have had to yell and push to get out...then they freak out! love it! Everyone wants to get in to try to get a seat when half of the time, there is no seat! I don't know whey they are all eager to get in when the next one comes in 3-5 min. If you are late, does another 3-4 mins going to matter?!!! I don't understand it myself!