Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Blah, Blah, Blah


This is my brother and sisters a few years back.  Just sharing a cute picture to take some of my anger away.

Same thing, different day.

First I had infusion migraine with a sinus headache, then I just had a sinus headache. Not a little one, a massive, good grief, awful one.  I had an appointment to go to my sinus Dr, so I sucked it up for nearly 2 weeks AFTER my infusion and I finally went in today.  

Steve goes in with me.  Dr tells me everything is hunky dory,  surgery was perfect, I healed nicely, and the CAT scan shows perfect sinuses.  He explains that he doesn’t see anything in my sinuses causing my pain.  He literally says he can do nothing else for me.  Yes, I got upset.  I know sinus pain.  

He saw I was getting upset, so he says he guesses I may have neuritis… and starts explaining how that could be my problem… and I saw instant fury.  I know what a sinus inflammation/infection feels like.  He is blowing me off like a million other Drs that I have gone to.  I basically tell him, “ok, thanks, I am outta here” and walk out.  *as Steve rolls his eyes*

Steve stays in there, apparently questioning about neuritis, messages me the name so I can be sure and update my neurologist, and I realize I had forgotten to tell him my ears and throat itched like hell last night - so much so that it woke me.  So I go back in to the Dr and ask what could cause that?!?  “Neuritis.”  Of course.  

“Everyone is coming in right now with green snot and itchy eyes, but they get over it… it is simply that time of year.  ”Everyone else has ICL?”  *Steve rolls his eyes*.  

“ICL?”   “You know, zero immune system to fight it?  Because I am pretty sure NIH says there is only a few dozen of us that has it and we can’t fight the green snotty noses.”  “Well, no…”.  “Because my body has zero way to fought any - even a small - infection - but you can’t do anything else for me.”  “If you think an antibiotic will make you better I will give you one…” as he starts typing.  No other discussion about what could be causing the headache except neuritis - which with Steve’s disgust of me - I sit through.  And he sends the antibiotic prescription in - the same 5 days he sent last time “because it worked so well”.

*Toss her a week’s worth of pills and make her happy.*  

Typical Dr, get the hell outta my office attitude.  He later says he can’t see down into the sinuses so I may indeed have infection there…Really?  Well, duh!  I think I had discussed green and yellow?  And the whole top 2/3’s of my face pain?  But I had to point out I am pretty sure I have a sinus infection and I have to be pissed to even get *that* response.  

He made every effort to impress my husband though by apologizing for my “misunderstanding” what he was actually trying to say - he was going to elaborate further and explain...  

I call bullshit.  

I will get a letter being dismissed from his practice next week.  Wasn’t planning on going back anyway.  Once you call me crabby and a difficult patient you can bet your ass I don’t need you.  You were pretty damned determined I was perfectly healthy and your surgery was the miracle cure.  It wasn’t.  Oh, it did help tremendously, but, Houston, we still have a problem.  I have a freaking sinus headache!

Together we mighta figured out what all was going on - like were one 5 meds I am shooting up my sinuses giving me the headache?  Wow!  There is a thought!  Did you bring it up?  Nope. 

So then on the way home, Steve tells me I had it all wrong.  I will give you a hint how that went... well, maybe not.  Of course he thinks the SURGEON (ENT) *HAS* done all he can do because “he is a surgeon!”  No, honey, he is also an ENT.  Ears/Nose/Throat Dr.

And the Dr apologized - because YOU were there.  Last time he sent me home with the same statement that everything was perfect, patted me on the back and sent me on my way.  This time he had a MAN there to impress.

It was a miracle how Steve stayed in there supposedly asking about neuritis (which I may have a mild case of - but this headache is not that) - then miraculously the Dr acts more concerned when I storm back in.  Like he gave a shit THEN.

I came home and opened my own damned medicine cabinet and took an antibiotic - like I should have done in the first place. 

Give me two days and I will tell you how that is working for me.

Back to the prairies where the fairies are dancing….

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

You have no idea just how angry this makes me. I love you.