I will now wait on the cold weather – I *know* it is coming – it HAS to be – it looks like fall, right?
While waiting... I pulled out my stockpile of information and money for Korea today:
We are RICH! 121,000 won already – and that is not even counting the change! Whoooo hoooo!
*dancing again*
*runs to currency calculator*
... ok, so maybe we aren’t so rich. I just used the currency converter:
121,000 won = $78.29 US dollars
121,000 won = S$ 121.25 Sing dollars
Hmmm… does anyone have some won we can use? Notice borrow is not in this statement ;-)
Maybe we will just buy some coffee and tea. Suppose we can buy sandwiches, too? Or maybe rotten cabbage? What is that called? KimShe? KimHe? Kimsomeone? … wait… I might have just discovered that person…
Off to look some things up on the net. If you know anyone in Okpo, can you send them my way? I am bracing for this experience. Ok, really I am ‘em’bracing this experience.
Make sure you pick up at least one of those wonderful mink blankets. We still have ours out in our living room (oops, I guess we call it the PARLOUR!). It's John's favorite and his relatives fight him for it when they visit. It's very soft and thick and has a black layer on one side and a green layer on the other, but they come in many different colors. I'll take a picture of it and send it to you. Love you lots, Me
ummmm kimchi!!!! You'll be safe with Bulkgogi, and Pulkgogi (marinated Beef and marinated Pork)! Have fun!
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