We came by plane, transferred by train, another plane. The train was just for us… well, WE felt like that anyway:
My first set of Korean directions :-(
It was awfully cool to get off the plane and see my hubby’s company name on a sign in someone’s hand and his name under it.
Wowsers – I always SEE that when we come off the plane, but I have never been part of it :-) The gentleman would have nothing of us doing even one thing for ourselves. He loaded our luggage into his lush car with leather seats, showed us the bun warmers, the beer, water and seat adjusters and pointed out a few sights on the way. It was wonderful to be treated so generously by him.
My first step out of the airport:
Looking around the country, if I could overlook the differences in it, I could actually believe I was in Oklahoma:
The trip from the airport to the hotel is several hours. He stopped at a rest stop for us to use:
I didn’t use it. The other 11 were just like this one. I know, TMI, but you gotta know what I am going through here - okay?!
I might have a bit of trouble figuring things out:
But food always speaks:
They call this place Michael Jackson’s – unofficially of course:

The guys wanted to take me there right off the bat. It was fine dining at its best. I was freezing my last off (not complaining here), gravel under my feet and… well… just take a look at the table next to us:
It was a good choice, guys – the food was great, the company even better. You all are always good for a few laughs. I keep wondering if anyone can tell me the reason they call it Michael’s…
Here is Jim catching up on the family – he was amazed by my iTouch :-)

If it is not that funny color of blue, I think anything amazes these guys.
And here they are toasting the good times.

I love these flowers – I sure hope someone will pipe up and tell me what they are:

Finally, at the hotel the reality finally sinks in:

Which is e-mail? You would think Google looks like Google does everywhere – but in each country it has its own flair. This is the Korean flair.
Now that you are caught up, I am off to catch up on my rest. We are here, safe and it is surely different than any other experience I have had. I call my new experiences adventures – and this one will be no different :-) Thank God and Steve, I started with Singapore first. Baby steps... lol... he knows me all too well...
Very funny!!
Loved the 'toilet' ..... have you not seen them here? Usually at least one is reserved for "that style of toilet" ... when you gotta go, you gotta go .... ha ha ha ..
But think of them traveling in the Western world and using "our" toilet, you have seen the foot prints ON the toilet seats haven't you?
'tis certainly an experience traveling in Asia.... :-)
Seen them all over Sing - but here there was no western one at all.
Yes, much different and I have seen the footprints on them in the states. However, they are normally clean. These lacked that and they were in outside stalls where it is around freezing... lol...
Wait, are you supposed to SQUAT over that?!!?!?!?! *gasp* I couldn't do it.
Well, maybe I could. I used a john once on the Appalachian Trail that a colony of bees were building a nest right over the toilet part. And I really had to go....my other option was to find a tree, it was raining....and I was the only female among 8 people. When ya gotta go, ya gotta go.
Honestly, I grew up with the squatting toilets, and I had problem doing the "big" ones when my family "converted" to the sitting ones. Trust me, it was much easier for the "things" to come out when you squat....
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