What a fun day! We saw so many critters I cannot even begin to show them all - but I will give you just a tad of what we did see.
Can someone remind me where I am? This is Singapore, looking at buildings in Malaysia.
It looks strangely familiar...
Going in just reassured me that I was not imagining the similarity with Louisiana:
There was a sign telling us to watch it - to look for crocodiles and s-l-o-w-l-y retreat if we encountered one.
We didn't see one. We watched alright, but from the moment we walked in, I felt like *I* was the one being watched:

But I knew they really were.
And they were planning their attack:
But onward we searched - and we finally found my 'dragon'!
There were water monitors EVERYWHERE! This one was catching supper:

And that was no small fish he caught! I have no idea how big this guy was, but he was VERY big. That was a large fish, but it had no chance with a dragon. He gulped it right down.
You may have seen a few more in the previous pictures - but I didn't see them at all. Rest assured, they were hiding well and they were positive they were well hidden.
Oh, I gotta go... ummm... I am thinking maybe I took a few too many pictures?
...of a another day in paradise ;-)
It's exciting to see so many different wild animals and fish, but can I just say that that water looks NASTY??? It looks almost like sludge in the picture. Is it really that way in living color??
Love you lots. Have a great day!!!
hey cajunsis, also from louisiana, been here four days now, learning the ropes, walked to market in the rain, no car yet-but not sure I can drive here anyway, I'm from slidell, how about you? Will check later to see if I hear from you. Really enjoyed your pics, hope to get around some soon and see more of the area, in temp housing, must find permanent residence soon. SlidellSis
Hi Slidell Sis! WHOOO HOOO! Someone else to meet! I have only been here for 6 months.
e-mail be privately at cajunsis@bellsouth.net please?
Can't wait to hear more :-)
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