The Commodore Hotel in Busan
Our last day in Korea was very busy. One of the things we wanted to do while there was take a tour of Oedo Island and another rocky island but the weather was not in our favor. On the day we were to leave Okpo and head to Busan, we took our chances and went to the ferry terminal where we were pleasantly surprised to find out the ferry and tour would run! We did get to tour our islands (another blog, later date), and then we raced back, picked up our luggage and went to another ferry terminal to catch the ferry to Busan. What a beautiful and relaxing day it turned out to be :-)
Since I am worn out from the trip, I think I will write about the island tours another day; but today I want to show you where my sweet husband took me to stay our last night in Korea. I had seen it on Kim’s blog, and asked him about it. He had stayed there before, so he was familiar with the Commodore Hotel in Busan – a very unique experience to say the least. As I said, I am short winded today (imagine that!) so I am going to post a few pictures and call it my blog. I hope you have been able to feel part of my experience in Korea. I will continue to share on it for a few days, as it has been enlightening, exciting, fun and romantic. It will be a trip I never forget.
Here are a few pictures of the Commodore Hotel:

When we went to the airport in Buson (aka Pusan), I found the second love of my life – Smoothie King! They had very few American flavors, but it was meant to be – Super Punch Plus was one of the few :-) I was a happy camper at that point:
Finally, I hope you can see it here: 32 years and counting; both very happy and content. I hope we have many more to come. What a beautiful place to celebrate, remember and embrace our life together.
You look great!!! More and more like the skinny kid he married I think. I hope you are enjoying your time alone with hubby. I know I'll enjoy mine when it finally comes!!!
That sure is a good looking couple! That guy sure is lucky!
How could you have put up with him for 32 years?
He is porbably spoiled plumb rotten!
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