The really weird thing about it, is that I found her on a blog. In her blog, she posted about a great hotel to go to in Pusan- with a pic of her hubby and a co-worker. I sent Steve the linky, saying I would love to go to this hotel. He sent me a note back and said, “The guy on the left in that photo is… and the guy on the right is… and if that is Kim’s husband then her last name is Kim and they live in Okpo…” Can you believe how God works? I get cold chills just thinking about it!
Kim is my hero! She took time out of her day, took me away from this silly hotel room and showed me a bit around the island. I can walk all day long in Okpo, but I have figured it out – there is only so much to see in a village ;-)
We went to a sandy beach;
A rocky beach:
REALLY rocky:
We found a woman hard at work cleaning veggies:
We walked down a beautiful hill overlooking the water:
Down a beautiful path:
To a funky rock formation:
We found a Temple:
With beautiful intricate designs:
I am surely glad Kim was driving. Directions for American’s are confusing:
I do understand I am in Korea. Now I know what others feel like coming to America. Red lights here are not red lights in America. They mean go. Green means go. Pedestrians don't have the right of way. They better get OUT of the way - and FAST. I missed getting smooshed by 4" my first day here.
Kim is so pleasant to be with. I talked her ear off – poor thing – after being in the hotel and out on the street – I was so happy to see (and hear) another American that I may have worn out my welcome. Thank you so much Kim for putting up with me, taking me around the island and being such a pleasant tour guide. I had a wonderful day. If I don’t go one more place on the island, today was worth the trip. Thank you, thank you!
Kim is my hero for today :-)
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