Is everyone getting bored with me? Seldom people comment, so I am not sure if you are all bored stiff - or if it is not worth commenting on. Indeed I am writing more for my memory for later scrapbooking, but it would sure be nice to hear from lurkers. I do appreciate those of you that do comment - and those that don't but look. Please occasionally say 'I am out here' if you don't mind - that way it will encourage me to keep on blogging so I don't trash it. I am sure later when I can scrapbook my fun, it will be nice to have the journaling done. Being so far away from home gets lonely and even though I enjoy doing this, I feel like I am doing this for my own entertainment and sometimes it feels like it is not worth the effort. It would be nice to have an occasional "hi there!" Ha, like I have anything ELSE to do, right? I said while I was in Okpo that the mingling of so many different smells nauseated me. I showed some of the things in the market area downtown. Now let me show you a bit of the outside shopping that goes on around the island of Geoje-do.
Pay no attention to the fly swatter this lady is using ;-)
Do you stuff this like a double stuffed potato?
mmmm... smashed, dried squid... ok, not!
They sell it here like beef jerky - just imagine... squid jerky. Yeah... nice smell...
However, this little girls eye's lit up when mom bought one and handed her a piece. How can you not love that smile? Squid jerky though? I would seriously have to tickle her for the smile.
Again, short blog. Pictures say more than words. Smell speaks louder than pictures OR words.
Don't forget, you don't have to register to make a comment - you can comment anonymously and add your name in the body of the comment, k? Hope to hear from you :-)
Ewwww!!! That even looks like it smells bad. It's funny how something that looks so bad can seem so great to someone who has grown up with it always there. I'm trying to think of something they would think that's weird about our food, but I can't think of a single thing. Isn't that sad?
We love you.
The dried squid sold like hot cakes on the tour boat!
I must be good stuff to those that grew up eating it.
Yes, I would think that you could compare it to jerky in the States.
Yuck! I don't even wanna KNOW about the smell! You are far better than I! Love you!
They are indeed sold like hot cakes or jerky on the tour boat. I was amazed - and everyone opened them and started tearing it off and chewing on it.
We had tried it before, but we had people offering it to us on the tour - we politely declined. I wish we could have spoke Korean to tell them we had already tried it - I didn't want them to think we were being rude.
Germany checking in.
Looking to relocate to SGP soon and enjoying the many pictures.
Will you be moving to Korea, or is back to Singapore for now?
P.S.: Allergic to fish... no joke!
Hi Germany :-) Thankfully I will be staying in Singapore until further notice. I liked visiting Korea, but honestly, I am not sure I would like living there.
I am not allergic to fish - but have highly considered claiming I am. I really don't enjoy fish - and now even less ;-)
When are you coming to Sing?
You'll be surprised these dried stuffs are used in the soup you drink or the sauce you use when you go visit an Asian Restaurants. It's never nice eat it straight, but will taste nice when you soak it with other paste or soy sauce (to boost the taste) or cook it in soup. The dried fish can be eaten if you fried it. The smell can be a little hard to take, but you don't eat it whole, but mixed it with vegetable or other meat, then you will get the salty taste. For the squid, you can eat it after roasting it over the fire, taste really nice... surprisingly. Yes, something like beef jerky.
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