... but I can sure smell home :-)

For those of you that don't know, Tabasco is made 45 minutes from where I live in south Louisiana (when I live in south Louisiana) (which is not often these days) (ok, I don’t live in south Louisiana – we just pay bills there and pretend we do).
I finally got some food in my tummy – all is well. Steve made it in before lunch, rested a bit, and then we went down to Quizno’s and ate. So far so good.
‘nuff about that – we found his drill ship! Here it is:
Sorry, folks, it isn’t going to happen right now. On the only English tv station we have, CNN Asia, they showed a satellite view of south Korea with ‘clouds’ all over it - spreading west. Very far west. Very, very far west. Their explanation? A Mideast sand storm that is blanketing us - and by the time it gets to us, it is dust. Fine dust. Wind, and fine dust. You know the kind I am talking about – like when you take your vacuum cleaner bag out of the vacuum and accidently squeeze it? Yep, that kind of dust. That is the 'haze' you see. Nice. We are touring the inside of a vacuum cleaner bag.
Now you understand my problem with getting good pictures. Now I understand the soldiers problems with getting ANY pictures.
A Mideast dust storm in the Far East. k… Good on country girl with asthma. Have inhaler, will travel.
We hired a taxi to take us to the top of the hill to get those pictures. He spoke no English. We speak no Korean. He used his Korean to English book; we used our English to Korean book - we got through it. We even hired him to take us tomorrow from 9am to 4pm around the island.
Have pictures and map – will travel. I will d/l pictures of places I went yesterday on my iTouch and show him and indicate I would like to go back. I will circle points we would like him to take us to and we will see how that goes. He is charging us W20,000 an hour – is that good/bad/ or SUCKER? I hope he doesn’t leave us in ten-buck-two. Seems like a good guy, I think we will be ok :-)
Wish us luck. Off to enjoy hubby. He is asleep, but I can listen to him breath. It is so nice to have him back :-)
Don't you mean you are BREATHING the inside of a vacuum cleaner bag? Maybe you should be wearing one of those masks that I see people in Asian countries wearing all the time.
Enjoy your time with your hubby! We love you.
I do enjoy reading your blog (usually via FB) but you write well and so entertaining, for us all to enjoy.
liked the last bit .... can feel the love here:
""Off to enjoy hubby. He is asleep, but I can listen to him breath. It is so nice to have him back :-)""
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Can't wait to hear about your day with the taxi. It is clearer today (albeit cloudy) but at least no dust. I hope it is enjoyable!
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