Thursday, March 5, 2009

Clocks, Clocks and more Clocks...

At the request of someone very important, I have added the necessary clocks on the right to keep everyone in contact - starting with the earliest to the latest.

Steph and Liz are 14 hours later than we are. Next week, we will be 15 hours.

Jeremy and Shari, I think you are 16 hours difference - later - right now and will be 17 hours difference next week. This is INSANE.

How does everyone keep up with each other?

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock

The time is ticking away in quads :-(


Cajunrose said...

Wouldn't we go back to being 13 hours behind like we were before the fall time change?

cajunsis said...
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cajunsis said...

Ok, trying again. I thought so too, but apparently they are an hour behind us even. All I do is click the place, it says the time. I thought they would be earlier too, but they aren't. However, I did change the clocks to line up in the correct order. I caught that when reading your post while still alseep ;-)