This weekend we met Pam and her hubby Larry, Sarah and her hubby Tommy at the handlebar restaraunt. It is a restaurant that caters to "expats" and "bikers". It was a lot of fun to finally get the guys together - and such a cool place to do it!

The bikers would ride up the alley to the back side of the restaurant - and drop the bikes off for someone to clean it. Those guys cleaning were meticulous! I guess after they cleaned it, they would let the biker know - then he would then ride it THROUGH the restaurant to park it in front for everyone to see it shine :-)
It was mostly outdoor seating, and the restaurant was mostly open from back to front - so it was really cool. Oh and yeah, Harley's are LOUD! Like when I am talking on the phone with you here and the military planes fly over - you shut up and listen. I saw the desire in my hubby's eyes - and it wasn't for me either. 32 years ago came back every time one of those baby's came through...

There was this one dude that was keeping tables clean. He wore simple clothes - swimming trunks. Period. No shoes; flip flops occasionally and no shirt ever. He slung the towel over his shoulder and watched for tables to clear. You can kind of see him under the handlebar sign. It was nuts!
They also gave Sarah a cute little carry home foil to take with leftovers in it.
Sunday morning Steve and I kept hearing cars and racing sounds. If you are a car racer - you know this coming weekend is the world's first ever Formula 1 Night Race and it takes place here in SINGPORE! yippee... and no capital letters involved here... lol...
Anyway, between that and the grand opening of the mall next to us, they decided to have a car race. I have no earthly idea what kind of race - of course not an f-1, but they were little stupid looking weenie cars and they sounded like little putt-putt cars - more like street racing with a bunch of teen dudes showing off their... well, there putt-putts. But for all the fun, we decided to go over shopping and check out what was going on.
The race was boring. Well, all except the 15 seconds of race between th 30 minutes of waiting. However, we did get to see/hear 2 engines go up in a 'poof' of smoke. In a split second; a snap of the fingers, someone spent a ton of money by a missed gear. I don't think my hubby OR my son know a thing about that sound or sight... lol...
I became our son's hero tonight. I got a call from him when I uploaded pictures on my flickr account. I was the best mom in the world and he was so envious I stood in front of his favorite car in the world. He has been watching it since drawings and I SAW IT FIRST! Rofl... I have no idea which one it was, but he told me I saw (and took pictures) of several different ones. So you figure it out:
I have no idea which one it was, but I have my suspicions, because THIS car, I was bragging to Steve about a few days before. It is awesome and it was right here in our parking garage! Yes, this is it, because it was there again today! There is no way to get a good picture of it, but here ya go - this is the one *I* like:
Jeremy said it had a nice back end too - hmmm... Jeremy? I wonder about you... is this it? lol...
Personally, I was most interested in these little guys:
I root for the underdogs. They were so fun to watch!
Skylines *do* have a gorgeous back end! *drool*
The races were drag races. I would guess that they were 1/8 mile. These cars look funny with plain stock rear tires & big wide slick front tires. The front tires were so big and wide that they just barely fit in the front wheel well & the cars could not turn much at all. It took some of them 5 or 6 back and forth bites to make a 90 degree turn. It is als funny watching them spin the front tires.
Euvah didn't mention the pretty girls that were giving away free magazines at the races, that passed me by & didn't give me one! She said that I was not cute enough & was too old. Burst my bubble!
Old Ugly Steve
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