If anyone can get this Todd or Jeremy can - but I hope someone has an answer for me :-) Oh, maybe Pam, Sarah, Larry or Tommy can tell me...
Steve and I ate at Boat Quay Saturday night, and we got some seafood rice. In the rice (seperated out here and at the bottom of the plate) there was this little guy:

This is cut up on the left side:

I had no idea what he was, so I asked the waitress and I *think* she said cuttlefish in her heavy accent. I have looked up cuttlefish (aka squid?) and I really don't think that is what it was, as I have not seen anything like this. It was not the bottom on an octupus' tenacle either, just nice spikes around the entire circumfrence of the fish (?). Anyway, it did taste good - no fishy taste at all, and not rubbery or weird textured.
We also had a plate of chinese faced veggies (check out the mushroom):

This is the little restaraunt we ate at:
Decorations here are always beautiful:

It was by the water and the reflections made it even more beautiful:
Even if we did find out the round building was the 'high court'. When we asked about this building, the man said "High Court" and made a slicing the neck 'ear to ear 'motion with wild eyes. I won't be visiting THAT place...
A pretty decoration at a nearby restaraunt:
We had a great, relaxing evening and we got some much needed exercise by walking along the river - a very, very long way.
Here is another picture of us - by the water this time. Thank goodness for timers on camera's and patient Singaporians waiting for the inevitable flash :-)

Ok, now the guessing begins... what is my fish?
hhhmmm...I'd go with squid of some sort. I'm not a huge fishy type person, so I usually avoid that kind stuff =)
Todd: "I got no idea"
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