I am still concerned for Mechelle and family. If anyone reaches them or knows they are ok, PLEASE let me know! Wesley was staying in the home with them. Major concern, hopefully for nothing.
Dee, I am still trying to reach you. I hope you are safe from harms way and your childen are too.
Stephenie, Mary, Vickers (nickname), Vicky, Ann, and Peggy are all accounted for - and have mild to moderate damage on homes. Our home has mild damage. I know others are not that fortunate, and I am sure more news will come out as the sun rises. I am posting these pictures so those of you that left have something to look at if you can get to internet.
Anna and Buddy not so lucky. Large tree down on home.
I had a neighbor's roof peeled off. No not the one we wish.
2 friends told me the eye was over our area one entire hour!
It is not pretty is it? I heard Baton Rouge got 100+ mph winds
Guess now is not the time to say we have them stacked up out there is it?

Hannah is going up the east coast:
We are not so lucky with Ike. We don't like Ike - he is projected into the gulf this weekend as a cat 2-3 entering. No further projections.
For those of you in Alexandria, Monroe and Shreveport - keep on praying. The worst isn't over yet. This is saved at 4am central time on Tuesday morning. Stephenie is where the pink asterisk is located -in Monroe. She is getting hammered still:
There is no reason to come home. CLECO and MC are without electricity - 2 days to 4 weeks are projections. I will update as soon as I can - from half way around the world.
Overall I think everyone fared better than they expected. I do know there is serious damage. Terrebonne(Houma) and Lafourche (Thibodaux, Grand Isle), St Bernard, Plaquemines, and Baton Rouge got hit hard. Thibodaux had 100 mph winds and lost the roof of the Civic Center.
This is the best website I have found for constant updates: http://www.theadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/frontpage
Did I say I LOVE you Bobby Jindal and TEAM! What a great job everyone did - total team work. Bobby? Will you please get everyone home safely, drop everything and RUN FOR PRESIDENT right away? You worked very well under pressure, were an awesome organized leader and I am so proud of our state this time! YOU KICKED BUTT!
I wish I was there to hug everyone's neck and help pick up the pieces.
1 comment:
I am so glad it was not worse, Sis. But I am still worried for y'all with those others. I love you.
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