The horribly, awful smelling offending fruit - so bad it is banned from hotels and public mass transit. Some taxi drivers even don't allow you in the taxi with a durian.
I got on our elevator a few days ago, the door closed and I hit the button for the next floor and got off. Someone had a durian in it and I could not stand to stay in the elevator with the smell as strong as it was in such an confined area.
I can go into grocery stores now though and not notice it. In fact, I was talking to Kimberly about it, and she asked how I felt about the smell. I thought for a moment and said that it was annoying at first, but I am used to it now. She said if I didn't want to throw up still, I can eat it... ... if I was still offended by the smell I would not like it.
I have traveled half way around the world. I will try this fruit eventually - just a smidgen. Steve said I would have to stay somewhere else, because everyone says the smell stays with you for days... but I am here; I hear people rave about it, I see people buying it by the buttloads, they make cakes and ice cream with it - and it is famous. Yes, I have to try it. Maybe I will have to stay with Kimberly when I do? lol...
Makes you wonder what ever made that first person that tasted it take a machete, chop it open and say "man, this reeks...but I think I'll eat it!"
I didn't know they had Durian in Singapore. Noel and his sisters grew up with it in Indonesia. They say you either love the taste or hate it. I am so glad you posted pictures as I have been hearing about this fruit for over 25 years and never seen it.
Have you seen it on the trees? They say in Indonesia there is netting all around the trees to keep the fruit from hitting the ground and making the whole farm stink.
You gotta taste it for me!!!
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