I am always in over my head. Sewing 🪡 is my weakness and I think it always has been. Years ago, raising children, I never had time for it. Oh, I sewed for Stephenie when she was young into Jr High, and a bit for Jeremy… boys are difficult to sew for… and I made costumes. Halloween costumes and dance and drill team costumes. Flags. And costumes for flag girls. It wasn’t until I moved to Singapore that I realized I finally had time to sew. But.
I had no sewing machine. So I shared a friends. It has been non-stop since then.
My problem? I made a baby quilt and thought it was finished, but I quilted it myself. I was extremely excited that I found airplane fabric for my niece. Her hubby is an air traffic controller! Perfect, right?
Nope. I shared with her that I couldn’t find her Scottish fabric that she had requested, but instead, I found second best, air plane traffic controller fabric - kid fun - and I thought it was perfect. Her message back?
No, “I was kidding”, no “Joke!”, no apologies, no explanation except 😫. So my ‘balloon’ popped. I honestly don’t give a rat’s last if I get it done. It is such a huge disappointment that my excitement is absolutely gone. So I tossed it aside.
4 little things to finish it and it is parked. I will finish it and send it, but I won’t ever go out of my way again. And maybe it will get lost in the shuffle of a new baby and get donated. I really don’t care anymore.
And I started pajamas. I see they will fit 2 of me. I stopped them. They will not fit me so…
I finally finished Steve’s and my quilt, but I have 1 border to put on Raelee’s, but a friend wanted to start that Fall Table Centerpiece so we did. Well I went on the Sister Trip and then Brenda took a few camping days. There sits the Fall centerpiece.
A friend needs me to make some signature blocks. In line to do.
A local fabric shop asked me to make this:
I am on row 3,
but look at my points!
My Etsy shop is booming! Regulars come back and reorder, but I need to make about 40 bowl cozies and at least 10 pillowcases! I also want to make soft tissue holders for the car. I made one several years ago for our truck and oh my gosh, it is awesome!
Washable, refillable and soft.
So the piles keep piling up.
Gotta stop making piles and finish piles I have started. 😂
Remember my OHCE friends? We had 2 back to back meetings - and then went to lunch. What a great visit with friends. I would miss them if I quit.
But I am so tired.
I think this fall really did a number on me. I am better, but not well - 2 weeks later.
And yes, I am old and look old. *sigh*. In the meantime, they found an eroding vessel between my C4/C5. What the heck?!? I go for an MRI with contrast the first week in November. I am just tired of the physical stuff. I have big shoulders, but I am about to cave.
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