This is all in Tom's yard.

The kids built their house to stay in - though it didn't quite work out that way. However they did a great job securing it - it did not blow off of the mountain for 3 whole days and they had fun playing in it.

I couldn't decide on which picture I wanted to use for my special picture of the day, so I decided to bless you with two very unique people. I love both of these pictures - they show the personality each one has. Amanda is a free spirit. She will be one of those out-there-flapping dressers - and she is clueless that it is not just like everyone else.

Now I will leave you with the one I think might be my favorite. No that is not Tom's real hair, but it is a hoot to see him with his hair cap on!

It is amazing up on this hill looking down into the valley at the river, the orchards, the highway and the mountains – but don’t ask me how to get here, because I surely could never give you directions. Even though I can see it from the highway, I would never find the little dirt roads that bring me to the PRIVATE ROAD DO NOT ENTER sign that graces the beginning of the half mile road leading to his house. The luxuries of being in the country still to this day comfort me, no matter what state or home I am in, I enjoy the peach and tranquility of being ‘alone’ in the world.
A big thank you for the stay at Tom's Inn. We had a wonderful time visiting with Tom and he is such a gracious host. We owe him a huge thanks for taking care of the children while we played one day - he entertained the children, while we played one day. More on that later.
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