Expecting the nice, neat, tidy chicken I get at home I cut the plastic and get ready to clean it.
THIS is what I got:
I am not ready for this life.
Today is not a good day for me. I am trying very hard not to cry. Too late. I am bawling.
I am just trying to make things be ok, but it is such a shock - every freaking thing I do is a shock. I am alone doing it! I know I have Steve. I know I have Pam. But they cannot be here all day and Steve is dog tired when he comes in - and of course work is still work.
I am too freaking unnerved to get in a car in a country I don't know, and ask a driver who can't speak much English, to take me to a street I cannot pronounce - hell, I don't even know where to GO!
I know I will be ok, but today I am not. Especially now that I have to cook this guy. I will never see a chicken the same way again. Vickers, here I come.
I'm sorry you're overwhelmed today. Just remember that we all love you and we're thinking of you every day. I hope you have a better day tomorrow...
I am sorry, Sis, that you are having a bad day. I love you and miss you and am positive that would have made me lose it as well.
Please know I am praying.
(((HUGS))) That would be quite disturbing. You're lucky tears are what came and not your stomach contents. You have my permission to continue to eat out for a while..LOL Too bad nobody warned you about that!
Miss you lots. Hope today is better for you.
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