Pam, scared to death someone was going to walk in front of the camera...

Me saying "don't worry about it."

Pam and I finally agreed to let it go - someone could walk in front of the camera - Sarah thinking GOOD GRIEF!...
I met Pam, then Sarah found Pam's blog, and e-mailed Pam and from Pam's blog she found my blog, and we all connected... confused? All of this to say, I now have TWO partner's in crime! We had a great time today out shopping - you know that favorite pastime of mine. However, I made Pam proud - I actually BOUGHT some things! I got a huge pat on the back for that.
I am tickled pink I have found some great girls to hang out with. Too bad we all live scattered around our island. Nope, no one can live close to another - we are just a taxi ride (man are those entertaining - yes I say my prayers before hopping in) away from each other - but we are in for some good times.
Guess what?! The coolest thing - we are all going to see "Momma Mia" when it debuts here - ha, can you believe it? It opens here on September 18th and I have seen it 3 times already in the states! Yep, gotta be sure these girls see it - then Steve will have to as well.
I am having a great time - 2 weeks, two friends = lotsa fun in the months ahead. Oh-lah, and they both-lah speak-ah english-lah.
Gustav - GO AWAY!
We ate at Chijmes again tonight - I gotta tell you about that tomorrow. Yeah, that is another story, but some handsome man has asked if I am ready to crash.
Later gator!
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