Note: Noelle, no drinks please -this is a spewer!
You start with clean linens.
Notice the white comforter - focus on that.

You put the fitted sheet on the bed.

Toss the other stuff up there on it so you have an idea where to start...
You take the white comforter and open the bottom end of the comforter cover and start slipping the comforter into the cover. This is where it gets tricky.

Corner by corner you take the farthest two and dive into the cover to place them in the appropriate corners. You crawl out and start trying to get the last two corners in place. THEN you realize the comforter twisted inside the damned comforter. You climb back inside the comforter and try to figure out how to untwist it.

This is where I start laughing. I am a do it yourself without help person. I am stuck inside a comforter cover with a twisted comforter, I have 4 corners trying to match with 4 other corners except I have the damned thing so twisted I can't even figure out how to get out of my comforter cover!
I started laughing because I can't figure out which corner goes where - and I cannot seem to figure out where the twist is anyway. Still inside the comforter digging around, I try to figure out where the corners of the comforter are - and they seem to be blending in with the rest of the mess - and with me!
This is what it looks like inside my mess:

I am laughing so hard that Steve comes to my rescue. Once he finally finds out I am not bawling, I am laughing, he shows me how to do it - and makes the mistake of saying he has had experience.

Once you finally GET it you have to snap it closed...

And finally, he gets the bed ready to crawl into.
Now I am not a shabby american bed maker - but asian bed making sucks! Initially I thought this was whole comforter cover idea was a cool trick: I could have a flower bedroom one day, a beachy one another and an asian the next.
Once I finally found my way out of the comforter, I have decided I will never change a sheet again. Steve did a great job - and he has experience!
Changing beds should never be this much trouble :-( My dear friend Pam forgot to mention they don't sell flat sheets here - just these darned comforter covers. Thanks Pam - paybacks are he#!
Hey! I did tell you to bring spices and linen pants...don't I get credit for that? ;-)
I laughed so hard at this post...I've done the same darn thing! I started safety pinning the two top corners in, then working my way good.
Hey, somebody send Euvah a flat sheet....stat!
ha ha ha ... still laughing .....
and YES you can buy flat sheets here!!
found them in Mustafa's a few months back.
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