First I should note that several people have asked me to update my blog to move my little chicken down on the picture list. I thought he deserved a day of Honor. For those of you that are also interested, yes, I got him cleaned, and cooked. He tasted very fresh. A little too fresh if you ask me...
Secondly, my hubby's only words about it, was that he told me that I should have gotten the black chicken. No sympathy there :-(
Secondly, my hubby's only words about it, was that he told me that I should have gotten the black chicken. No sympathy there :-(
I did find out that I have to buy a chicken marked, "with head and feet removed". That is noted well for the next one I buy. Pam says she buys them at the wet market and turns her back while the butcher does the deed. Ugh. That may be a bit TOO fresh for me.
Yesterday was a much better day. Pam and I hung out and went shopping at a mall in town. Man does she live in the CITY! She has a beautiful place and much nicer than here. It has a lot of character and she has personalized it beautifully.
We found out more we have in common. Her hubby is a pin trader - we are pin collectors! How cool is that? He is a Ranger fan... if I could only remember what baseball I picked up at that estate sale with all those autographs...
Today I am going to post about a few things I have noticed. Singapore has SOOOoooo many people in it. A good description of it is "a very clean, very tropical, New York City" - thanks Pam, it fits perfectly. Thankfully we live on the not so busy side of the island. Our little area has just begun to grow and I hear constant reminders of it daily; the hammering, the pile drivers, the painters and the trucks busily moving supplies to and from work areas.
We found out more we have in common. Her hubby is a pin trader - we are pin collectors! How cool is that? He is a Ranger fan... if I could only remember what baseball I picked up at that estate sale with all those autographs...
Today I am going to post about a few things I have noticed. Singapore has SOOOoooo many people in it. A good description of it is "a very clean, very tropical, New York City" - thanks Pam, it fits perfectly. Thankfully we live on the not so busy side of the island. Our little area has just begun to grow and I hear constant reminders of it daily; the hammering, the pile drivers, the painters and the trucks busily moving supplies to and from work areas.
One thing I am still a little unnerved about is the lack of safety thoughts. There are no children's car seats that I have seen. Not even one. People get in the taxi's and off they go! YIKES!
Secondly, again about safety, when a truck picks up workers - it picks up ALL the workers. They pile in the back of a truck and sit on a 2x4 - one of several set in rows of the back of the trucks. Somedays there might be 10 or more men sitting in the back of these trucks. Now what scares me is I SEE how the people drive here :-(
There are several other problems, of which I will name a few. The drivers drive on the wrong side of the car (our american passenger side), they drive on the wrong side of the road (opposite of the american side) and damned if you cross the street if you forget to look BOTH ways you are sure to get run over, because the lines in the middle of the street? They don't mean a thing. Maybe in case of war they are there for the pilots, but they are certainly not there for the drivers of the vehicles here! The drivers drive on both sides of the road and just swerve to miss the vehicle in the way. They miss each other by inches - literally.
There are several other problems, of which I will name a few. The drivers drive on the wrong side of the car (our american passenger side), they drive on the wrong side of the road (opposite of the american side) and damned if you cross the street if you forget to look BOTH ways you are sure to get run over, because the lines in the middle of the street? They don't mean a thing. Maybe in case of war they are there for the pilots, but they are certainly not there for the drivers of the vehicles here! The drivers drive on both sides of the road and just swerve to miss the vehicle in the way. They miss each other by inches - literally.
Now for the motorcylists. We have decided they have a death wish. They don't use lanes. In fact, sometimes they don't use the streets. ALL the time, they drive between the lanes, like between the cars in that narrow 3' space? I have not seen any accidents, but I don't go anywhere either -so that explains that.
Now for the condo we live in. We are in a different country. Should the fighter jets constantly flying above us be reassurance or cause terror? As soon as I figure it out - I will let you know. So far so good.... lol...
Now for the fun stuff. I haven't tasted the Chrysanthemum Tea yet...
Now for the fun stuff. I haven't tasted the Chrysanthemum Tea yet...

But Steve has finally settled on a beer he will drink. In fact, I think everyone here drinks it!
Walking to the mall yesterday I found several interesting sights:
Not sure what this is all about, but there were bird cages like this everywhere with tropical birds hanging out in them... on fences, on tops of cars, and even just sitting on steps. So, I got to hang out with the birds!
Next a rowing team on our river learning to row:
Did I ever have to be taught how to row? I thought it came naturally. Oh wait, I just do it with two people when our motor on our boat stalls.
We tried starfruit the other night. We found the directions for preparing it and eating it online. It was different - we decided a cross between an apple and an orange. I think I like it!
Well, that is it for today folks! I hope these pictures are more fun than the chick pic! Tomorrow I am off to the 'wet market'. Dunno what that is, but I am gonna find out. Thanks Pam!
Glad to see Fred gone further down the page (I named him). Sounds like your today is a bit better. Thank goodness for Pam (Thanks Pam for keeping my mom sane!)
Rowing is actually a very precise and labor intensive sport. Remember my old college roommate? She was in rowing. I was always amazed at how intense it was.
Have fun at the wet market. Can't wait to see pictures.
Now that you've tried Star fruit, give Dragon fruit a try. It's actually pretty good :)
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