Saturday, July 23, 2022

Taos to South Fork

 Taos to South Fork was an easy trip. We just hung back and enjoyed the ride. Lots of neat sights. These houses looked to be in a spaceship subdivision. 

All were spread far apart and oddly shaped.  

Can you imagine building them? 

Who comes up with these ideas anyway?

There were a bunch of them, but this is all I took.

How would it be living on the side of a rocky cliff?

The rocks! They are amazing to look at!

We saw a beefalo! This is NOT my picture, but the ones we saw were dark brown and shaped like this. Isn’t it strange looking?

Finally our campsite.  We were ready to stop a few days. 
We set it up and I slept for 2 solid hours!

Across the street from us…. It is a very crowded campground, but lots of activities.

We are pre-smoked tri tip that Steve had made previously. Mike and Lee brought chicken chili - so we also had chili Fritos. Great end to the day.

I am thoroughly enjoying the trip, but I wish I felt better. I wish the sun didn’t make me sick and the Sjogren’s didn’t crack my lips, make my nose bleed, make my eyes so dry and my hands crack. I am having fun, but it would be so much nicer if I was well. Oh well, it ain’t gonna rain on my parade.

Later gator!

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