Sunday, July 3, 2022

Hospice Donation Quilt 1

Our church ladies group, United Methodist Women Stitchers, pick projects to sew for the community. We have made Veteran’s quilts for all of our members, we made book bags for the local library’s summer reading program, and recently, our leader was contacted to make lap quilts for hospice patients.

My friend, Brenda, found a pattern and we both decided to do it using different fabrics. Here is mine:

I will finish it with beige backing and using the “quilt as you go” method. I will start doing that next week at our Thursday meeting. I have some other things to work on prior to that.

Steve and I were walking around the pasture checking fence line and Jake, or ‘puppy’ casually led us right to a tree and looked up. A closer look showed us a raccoon, hiding as best it could by trying to melt into the bark. Fun times on the farm. 


Struggling terribly today. Sinus infection flare from you know where, and my emotions are all over the place. I get so tired of the constant battles. Yes, I keep going, but some days, today being one, I just want to cave and give in. There are too many obstacles in my days. I will not give up, but sometimes, it is tempting. BUT! I have to make more Hospice Quilts. Someone, somewhere, needs them.

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