Thursday, September 5, 2019

History of the Last 3 Weeks

This is mainly for my records so I remember what I have survived!

Here goes... I had hernia surgery on August 16.  On the 22nd, I had a pretty major bleed from the incision - see a previous post.

Steve called an ambulance which in itself was an ordeal...  The ER Dr put stitches in and kept me two days because I was still bleeding through the stitches.  Hematology was consulted and tests were run, but I was released before they came back. 

I have been bleeding from the suture holes since then.  I have changed the dressing every single day at least once.  It has been dried blood on the bandage, but on the incision it has been red, so just fresh seeping and drying brown.

3 days ago, I noticed a knot under the incision, but figured it is the healing process... you know scar tissue forming from surgery.  That night, I had this brilliant idea to sleep without the bandages and let it air out.  BIG mistake.  My husband spent the next day getting blood out of our sheets, my gown, undies and... well, you get the idea.  
Anyway, today, I noticed on the bandages about 3 times as much blood, so we re-dressed it.  In the process of redressing it I have to clean it.  Usually, I get red blood during the cleaning after I get the old cleaned up.  Today, when I removed the dressing to change, my belly button was full of brown (wet) blood.  I cleaned it, showered, brown blood kept coming, and I pressed on it a bit and sure enough, dark blood coming from under the sutures.

We redress it, and it is dark blood filling my belly button as hubby is redressing it.  Ya'll this is bizarre!  

I am waiting on my hematology appointment on Sept 12.  My surgeon has tried to rush it, didn’t happen.  I think they (Hematology) would have called me if there was anything concerning in the blood test.  They only thing that came back abnormal, that I know of, is my Van Willebrand's factor - which is high.  Near as I can tell, with my ‘Google Dr’ degree, is that all VWD numbers are LOW if there is a problem.  

I am going to my rheumatologist tomorrow, but he is at a different hospital (different reporting system he cannot see), I am going to an orthopedic Dr for my first time because I have a bad hip (he doesn't know me from Adam), and I see my surgeon again the day after on Thursday.  

I am totally weirded out by this.  I am thinking it must be have formed a hematoma under the incision?  My surgeon is baffled, but he is aware of the bleeding, but not the now dark blood.  I will call him tomorrow.  I cannot get into the hematologist earlier, Dr has tried to rush it.

Could this have anything to do with PI?  I have no idea what to do, but I can assure you I am sick of this whole year/mess.  I don't feel well and have no strength whatsoever.  My immunologist is unaware of this whole ordeal, but I don't think he can do a thing anyway.  

Thoughts?  Ideas?  I am at a loss.

Going back to my surgeon today to get the stitches removed.  Wish me luc!

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