Monday, November 9, 2009

What We Do In A Pinch

Singapore is often a challenge for even the best of us. We find that we have to do things quite differently than our home country.

Steve has a bbq grill that we bought from some people moving away. Steve without a grill would be a disaster. We simply could not live in Singapore  ;-)  However, it has created some issues that we have had to resolve. One was that he needed a wood smoker tray. Of course we cannot find one here, but he did figure out a substitute.

The new smoke box and the old smoke box:

The old smoke box in use: 

Take note of the burner covers… we cannot find those here either  :-(

We don't go out and buy games unless we want to break the pocket book:

We wash dishes the 'old fashioned' way - I wash, he dries.

 We bake a chicken, not a turkey:

We learn to make do with what we have.  Here is a classic instance that is a hoot.  Steve started out years ago as a diesel mechanic.  At home he has a half a dozen tool boxes that are 5 feet high.  Imagine his frustration of having no drill (at home he has numerous ones) and resorting to using a screwdriver to 'drill' a hole in the bottom of a pot for me.  It was painful for him.  He said a few wordy durds to get it done, but he did it.

 And we have to be on our toes with packaging - it is not the same here:

We have made changes and adapted, and we laugh about some of the silly things we have to do and the absurdity of it all, but over all, it is a fun adventure.  We will appreciate home sooo much more when we do get back to the states.  I have found that our normal (in the states) isn't everyone else's normal - in fact quite uncommon everywhere else.  We have gotten accustomed to the the differences here and sometimes we forget where we are and realize these things have finally become our 'normal'.

We are busy having fun exploring, adapting and embracing.  We call it an adventure - and just another day in paradise.


Pam said...

perfectly said...everything is just a teeny bit harder or different. Great post!

Noelle Reese said...

YIKES!! Maybe you should have Steph bring a game! :-)
I love your posts! Poor Steve, have Steph bring a drill too LOL

Elizabeth said...

Great post, Sis. Love you and miss you.

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