Monday, May 16, 2011

5 Feet High and Risin'!

Isn't that the tune of the Johnny Cash song?  Well it is getting pretty deep here and mores a comin'!

You know it could be serious when the news crews are here:

When the reporters are on the seawall above main street:

And when the Governor comes to the neighborhood:

Houston... ummm... Morgan City, there might be a problem. It gives us a knot in our tummies, a lump in our throat and a kick in the last to get things settled and outta here.  We will all be fine; as I said before, Steph and Todd are ready to run in a moment's notice and Steve and I are out of here today.  And we are on our way to Oklahoma!

But as we leave, we look back at what we are leaving:

The critters are trying to get to higher ground:

Most are ready and now that they have their possessions safe, their family moved out or ready to walk in an instant, they are taking a sit back and wait attitude:

And the water is 7.55 ft (5/16/2011 meter reading) and rising in Morgan City.  Soon to be 12-15 feet; but we're saving Baton Rouge and New Orleans!


Getting in the camper and heading out.  Good luck folks.  We love ya Morgan City!  We love the people of Morgan City - stay high and dry and safe.  

1 comment:

Swimtaxi said...

Thank you for the photos. I have been having trouble finding photos and news from down in Morgan City.

While I am glad you are moving, I hope the rest of your family will be safe and dry.