Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I Am Not The Carpenter

I stayed away again today - I am severely depressed and I have no idea what brought it on. Severely.

When I returned after the guys left, I found we have countertop. Steve and I decided to let things ride and see what happens. Maybe I decided that. I am in no condition to diss their job today. I am bawling not even doing that. Depression sucks hugely.

Can you do me a favor? Will you please go to your counters and measure between the edge of the counter and the sink? And can you measure behind your sink to the backsplash? Then will you let me know your measurements? I am just curious. I have no idea if this is right. I think not, but I am not a carpenter. There will be zero space when they add the backsplash between it and the sink. Is that correct? I am not a carpenter.

One of the things that angers me is that they do this job well until now. Why would they paint the ceilings with flat paint and touch up with semi-gloss? They did this in the closets and I told them what the problem was and they do it on the ceilings? Am I not going to notice this? Do your eyes not wander straight to the ceiling and crinkle?

Really. Do you notice it or is it invisible?

And this is still annoying me. Carey is right. Steph is right. The splash on this is upside down! LOOK at it. Do you see the flat line on top and the pretty curve on bottom? Doesn't it make sense that the pretty curve would be on the top edge? Maybe I was supposed to get a left splash and a right splash? Don't you think someone should have caught this and said something? I am not the carpenter.

I am super excited to be this close to the finished project. I might even be dancing for joy if it was still going smoothly. Everything that happens right now is like a thorn under my nail. I am by no means a picky person. But should I have to have upside down backsplashes with globs of putty covering the holes? Should I have to have a flat ceiling with pretty reflections of semi gloss paint splotched here and there?

I am not a carpenter! They are the professionals! Why should I have to be the one in there pointing this stuff out and telling them this is not correct? This is silly!

Off to sleep the rest of the daylight away. I am in no mood for it. My night blooming jasmine will be sprinkling dazzling bits of fragrant scents after dark. I will take my fake strawberry dacquiri outside, sit on my swing, light the chiminea and take deep breaths of that fragrance and remember how wonderful it is to be alive. I will convince myself it will all be ok. Soon. Very soon.

Or maybe I won't do that. My neighbors. *sigh*

It sounded like a awesome plan...

1 comment:

surprisetriplets said...

It does kind of look like it's upside down. I'd measure my sink to the backsplash, but I have one of those under the counter sinks and there is really nothing to measure...

We love you lots! I sure hope everything turns around quickly...