That tree is still amazing! I was not disappointed. I have not figured out the best shot of it to get, and I forgot to use my big lens while I was there, but I will be going back. If I use the big lens, I will not do justice to the color in the tree. Hmmm... I will have to think this over. Anyway, here are two of the pictures I took of the tree again - better camera this time. Taken with my Nikon D-90. I sure wish I had Steph to work with right now :-)
While looking for the best shot to get, I heard the call of a kingfisher very close - and upon looking, spotted a Collared Kingfisher in the Rainbow tree. It was obvious I was intruding on the territory of a mad mom or dad. Not sure which feeds the babies, but this one was definitely tending to babies though I never got a shot of them. I had the most fun watching and snapping pictures. The Kingfisher kept a close eye on me and at one point, called in backup and I had 6 of them yelling at me. I was nice enough to back up - but not before I got these shots.
I decided to browse around the park a bit and found some beautiful flowers. One of the great things about Singapore is that there is always something blooming. My favorite are the yellow flowers - not sure what they are though. I am more of a birdwatcher.
I also found a male Black Naped Oriole and got a decent picture of him. He was none too happy with the snaps - I need to go back and try again. It is not a clear picture, but I could clearly identify him.
The guys resting at lunch time did not seem to be concerned with me at all :-)
Beautiful pics, sis and amazing at the sleeping people laid out everywhere! Love ya!
That yellow flower is plumaria :)
Great pictures!
There are three different kinds of life in Singapore. One belongs to the expats (I'd say high-life), one belongs to the common Singaporeans (8-8 generally, and spent most weekends shopping or go "cheap" shopping in Malaysia), and the last, you'll see... these workers from the poorer countries. There's no working hours limits and minimal pay in Singapore, so if health allows, these workers will simply work 24 hours. One can say it's exploitative... but without this job in Singapore, their lives might be worst off... it depends on where you're born and later on in life, how hard you want to work or how "smart" one is, but I'd say the place you're born determines most part....
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