This is the bird we found when we were climbing to the tallest hill (468 ft) in Singapore to see. Note his VERY long pretty tail. We identified him, but darned if I can remember, I am too tired to think.

This monkey smelled my peanut butter sandwich and called the team out:

This monkey was really checking out the goodies:
This one was a bit more polite - he patiently waited:

This one was not so patient, can you find him? rofl...
Not a morsel of food was left to endanger this team of thieves.

This is what we climbed up forteen bazillion stairs to see - the summit. Yep, that is the best view we got. See where that shelter is? Wouldn't that be a great place to put a TOWER so you COULD actually see something pretty - like the city below? It didn't get any better than this folks, but the walk was... pretty and strenuous to say the least. Of course we took every back trail there was and then some... lol...
It does not sound like we climbed a lot today, but I cannot possibly take time to look through the pictures tonight to share. Suffice it to say, we walked up and down WAY more than 468 feet multiplied by 10. Last week was easy and my stinkin' 10 flights of stairs a day is a piece of cake.
Off to bed. Next week I vote for not trying to lose 10 lbs every weekend and gain 12 back in muscle. We are both crawling.
I'm just not sure if I could handle all those monkeys staring at me. It would freak me out! They sure are cute though. Amanda REALLY wants to come see them. I'm glad you had a good (exhausting)trek through the woods. I hope you have a great week! Love, Me
All that downhill is sure hard on the knees. Ugh. My husband and I went hiking on the Appalachian Trail a few summers ago, I thought that I would come off the trail all skinny and starving...oh no! I had gained an additional 5 pounds, in muscles. LOL I am really loving these pictures of the other side of the world...I am glad stephenie sent me your blog addy.
Love the monkey's!!! Looks like it was a long hike. You would think that they would have had a more impressive observation deck.
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