Wednesday, February 11, 2009

FYI - Earthquake Related :-)

I had no idea there was an earthquake on this side of the world, but just letting everyone know we are ok and never felt a thing. I have had two people call already. It was at least 700 miles away - we are fine. It appears the tsunami warning was rescinded right away as well, but we were never in any danger. There is a huge mass of land between where the quake was and here.

Thanks for checking in – glad to know others are thinking about us. I am real thankful Jeremy looked it up on the web and didn’t call right away – he has been through quakes and knew we were probably fine – just needed an excuse to hear mom’s voice. Ha! If he had called when he first heard, he might have woke me up - and that would have been his first time.


I bet his dad was still awake working though :-(


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