Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Pardon Me... Busy Now... rofl...
…trying to find out how to eat a diet in low refined sugars.
Found out my problem at the Dr yesterday. Ugh.
My blood sugars were good. However, there is something in the test that he looked at, did a few calculations and immediately said, “I think we have found a large part of our answer”, and told me that I am extremely ‘sugar hypersensitive’ which means that my body reacts to refined sugars in a very drastic way – not in a normal way. I eat, the sugar goes too high, my pancreas sees that my sugar skyrocketed, and then it ‘dumps’ insulin into my body plummeting my sugar level causing it to bottom out. It is not hyperglycemia, it is a form of particular form hypoglycemia – he called it reactive or hypersensitive sugar reaction.
The Dr said it is not a true sugar allergy, but reacts very much like a sugar allergy. The reason my blood sugar tests come back normal is because I am always fasting when I go in – no sugar highs or insulin dumps – stable because I have not eaten anything for either incident to happen.
I found a really good article explaining it and am posting it because it is so informative – and it might help someone else be diagnosed correctly or at least understand hypoglycemia if you have it. I have been hypoglycemic since I was a teen and I knew that – but I have never been told the consequences of not getting it in line. I bet a lot of misdiagnosis are made because of this.
Here are a couple of articles explaining all this mess. At the bottom of the first article, there is a link to see 25 symptoms. I showed them to Steve and he said they could have written my name there – nearly every one of those symptoms are me… lol…
This article says what could happen if it does not get it under control and elaborates a bit more:
I am not sending this to really give you my medical status, but more because I want others to know more about hypoglycemia and that it could eventually turn into full fledged diabetes! How many people have diabetes because the pancreas gave up trying to compensate for the bodies lack of control for sugar? That is surely something to think about, isn’t it?
Researching more on this, I am amazed at what I have found. Man, this is going to take some thought and more research. I had no idea:
So after reading all that I have read, I have no idea what to eat.
Anyone have any suggestions for a good book on foods TO eat to keep the sugar hypersensitivity at bay? I am at a loss.
Back to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow.
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Hey, thanks for checking out my blog and posting a link. My name is at the bottom of that list too! So I know how you feel. I'll be completing a post today about what foods you shouldn't eat when you are sugar sensitive, and in a couple of days I'll get one up about what you should eat. But, I'm sure you want to get started right away so I'll leave ya a couple of tips. Avoid all processed foods, most of them list "high fructose corn syrup" as a top ingredient. Also avoid refined flour. You'll wanna avoid that like the plague! Do a google search for "glycemic index chart" and find foods listed by how they effect your bloodsugar. Eat whole grains, fresh veggies, fresh fruits, nuts and beans, & drink lots of water. Check out the books I listed at the bottom of the post they have some good suggestions and recipes in them. Best of Luck, Keep me posted! :~)
I'm sure Amy's comments are better than mine, as she is educated on this topic. I found the South Beach Diet interesting (the book part, I mean) because he explains about eating a protein with a carb and how that helps. I don't know if that's exactly the right thing to do for hypoglycemia, but I think it helps. I tend to have some of these same issues. My mom has always told me so, but no dr. has ever caught it. Like you, my blood tests are always good b/c those are my results when I've been fasting. But I do know I felt better when I ate the South Beach (stage 2) way, avoiding sugar and white flour.
Sending HUGS. You can do this.
So let me get this straight. You have to travel halfway around the world to find a doctor that can finally point a finger on what is setting you off. HURRAY! Hopefully this will be the answer and change needed to make it all better for you. As far as what kinds of food to eat, that would take a huge adjustment but I know you can do it.
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