Danny has always been the 'family clown' and can make you laugh at stuff you KNOW you shouldn't be laughing about - like death. He accepts it matter of factly, and usually has a smart a**ed remark in there about something funny the person who died did.
He has always had a sense of humor - one that I adore and yet sometimes get frustrated about. He never seems to be serious, or if he is he is VERY serious. His eyes could bore holes right though you. Sometimes we think he does not take life seriously enough, other times maybe we just take it too seriously... and there are some days when we wish he would take life just a bit more seriously.
Danny is a story teller. When he is telling a story, everyone likes to listen. He is a naturally funny guy to be around, even if we are rolling our eyes, shaking our heads and laughing our backsides off.
Danny has been a medic, a cop and was in the Pentagon when it was hit on 9-11. He was in Germany when the wall came down, watching the Challenger when it disintegrated, and says he has seen too many historical events and never wants to see another. Maybe all of these things have led to his light hearted take on life.
Danny is a twin to Shari:

Danny has been a medic, a cop and was in the Pentagon when it was hit on 9-11. He was in Germany when the wall came down, watching the Challenger when it disintegrated, and says he has seen too many historical events and never wants to see another. Maybe all of these things have led to his light hearted take on life.
Danny is a twin to Shari:

He is a rather handsome guy:
A wus for his sister; after all, making silly faces is his strong point:
Danny is a special brother and a true character. He adds charm and wit to the family. I am glad he is our brother. We gotta get together again - man, it has been too long since all four of us were in one place without the stress of a death in the family. I miss being all one family sometimes - life is so spread out these days. Look who is talking... lol...
So now you have met my siblings – and every one of them has a special place in my heart - and none more special than the other.
I am a sister to 3, a mom to two, granny to 3, and a wife to one very special hubby. Thanks for putting up with me for so many years.
I am off to find me again today. I seem to have lost me in the last shuffle. Oh, darn. There I go welling up again. I need to find something outside this condo to do. I have been down for a few days and I think I just need to get out.
Maybe I will find something fun to share with you :-)
Have a great weekend!
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