Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Back in Singapore

Finally made it back to Singapore - it is a very long trip. Our flying time alone was 23+ hours, not including layovers - thankfully we only had 2 short ones. I would not wish this on anyone, and I must say I have a whole new respect for what my husband has done to make a living for us for years and years. He has traveled to the ends of the earth on flights like this to pay our bills and put food in our tummies - not for recreation. I had no concept of what the traveling takes out of you and what it is like to go to 'exciting' places. The reality is, it is not exciting at all - it is exausting and he has told me that, but I simply did not understand. Now I do.

Thank you so much Steve, it reminds me why I love you so very much.
While we were in Louisiana, we went to a soccer game of Raelee's:
Raelee is a fast runner - as soon as she understands the whole concept of what is supposed to be happening, she will be a great contender:
They won!

We went to the Shrimp and Petroleum Festival which had been rescheduled from Labor Day Weekend:

We crammed so much into this two weeks, it will take us a month to catch up from the traveling. There is one problem - we don't have a month - we will be leaving for Korea soon, then back to Singapore and around mid-December, we will be making the states trip again to be home for Christmas.
Though we were busy this week, we had a wonderful time.

I may write a book in my old age titled "The Euvah Adventure". I am sure it will be filed in the non-fiction section - very few would believe it - only those that know it is true - weally weally, twooo... lol...

1 comment:

surprisetriplets said...

I can't believe you're already updating your blog. You go girl! I'm glad you had a safe trip. I miss talking to you. Get rested up and then we can chat:)
Love, Shari