Sunday, March 28, 2010

Transportation Fun Stuffs

While traveling in Malaysia, we came across some more fun modes of transportation.  Steve thought this would be the hot potato to 'travel' in here in the tropics:

Another hot means of getting from place to place:


This might help put out the fires built with the previous rides:

Or maybe this one will do the trick:

Here is the scoop on it:

Also found a bulldozer to do the yard work:

I know, Todd, you must read the details, though you probably have them memorized... but just in case:

And can anyone tell us what this is?  It was too far away to get a good look and no identifying marks that we could see with our eagle eyes:

My remark to Steve was, "It is a car.  An old car.  An antique automobile to be exact.  And it is black."

We can leave by train:

If it wasn't cemented down... 

Or we can leave by plane:

But it looks a bit anchored as well...

We just took the bus back  ;-)


Leone Fabre said...

maybe a Bentley???

Do a google search on Bentley and see if you can find one similar!

Red said...

Bently is what came to mind when we saw the car, but we were not close enough to tell for sure.

Leone Fabre said...

still think it is ..... the front shape suggests it too.

The back area (trunk / boot) where it squares off, has a Bentley look too....