Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Missing Home Today :-(

I have been sorting digital pictures and reorganizing them for days now. I have also entirely limited myself to doing that, with the exception of the Dr visit and running errands with Sarah. I know I am falling back into the depression again, but I think it is partly because I keep seeing all these pictures of everyone at home. Where does the time go?

I have a US phone, but rarely get a call on it. I thought it would help to stay in touch with everyone, but it has not helped so much - unless I call out. Honestly, I know life keeps on twirling in the rest of the world and everyone is busy, but I never know when to call and it is never a good time when I do call. So I finally just quit trying. I am never busy, if you want to call, I am nearly always home. If I am not, please leave a message and just let me know you called and when it is a good time to call. On weekends, Steve and I are usually on an adventure. I seem to be having mild panic attacks trying to make myself go out during the week - and I am sure the more I stay in, the worse it gets. I just cannot make myself go out. I feel so darned alone - and I know I am making it worse by staying in. I have not even checked the mail in days - why? I never get anything any ol' ways. Ha, can we say pity party? Hey, I am not spending any money, right? Quit worrying Steve, I am fine - just give me a bit of time to get over the culture shock again :-)

I am still sorting through the sugar mess. It is so overwhelming! I must do it and I will, but I am so confused over it all right now. I got an encouraging comment and advice from someone I don't even know - thanks Amy! I will hang in there and get it all sorted out. Your website has already helped me tremendously already.

So, for today, I will continue to sort pictures and go through the memories. I finally *think* I have figured out how to get them in an order my mind can wrap around to find when I know what I am looking for. I have sorted by holidays, families, vacations, outings, events and have all of the pics Steph has taken in her folder and all of Steve's in his folder. Month to month was just not working for me. I never knew what month whatever happened in. Now if I know I am looking for something during Christmas, I will just have a few Christmas folders to go through before I find it.

Most importantly, before I take it out of the month to month folders, I rename with the month and year and then put it where I want it. That way I have the date on the photo. Maybe this will work. Who knows?

Well, I am off to sort some more. It will be fun looking through the pictures later with you all when my mess is sorted out and I come back to the states. In the meantime, it fills plenty of time for me. I have tons to go through.

Later Gator.


Debbie said...

Hey Euvah,
Just wanted you to know that I think you were right went you said it is "culture shock" again. From what I can recall with Pam, there is always a period of adjustment upon returning to Sing. It will balance out and you will soon be going on adventures during the week too. Don't be too hard on yourself!
As for the phone call thing, here is what I found helpful for me. I sat down and really figured out the time difference, then I picked 2 times where calling Pam, or her calling me, would be reasonable for both of us. And those are the times we usually stick to when we call or use the webcam. I am not sure of the time zones you are comparing but there should be at least one spot in your day where it would be easy to call your loved ones in the States, it just takes a little planning. Plus, remember they are probably even more confused by the time difference than you are ! So figure it out and call someone today, you will feel better!

surprisetriplets said...

I always want to call you, but I'm just not sure what time is good with the time difference. What time do you normally wake up? What time do you normally go to sleep? I'll call you tonight after the kids are in bed.

Love, Shari