Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sunrise in Louisiana

I couldn't sleep last night.  I have no idea why I cannot sleep these days, but sleep is beyond me.  When the clock struck 5am this morning, I was dressed and out the door with my camera.  I had no destination in mind, but ended up going to the lighthouse nearby and watching the sun come up and of course, catch it in my 'forever' lens:

It is right beside these two bridges:

Right here:

Right on the other side of this one:

And by this waterway:

No, we are not staying at the 'lake park', but nearby - someone asked that question.  However, I did go to the lake park to take pictures after leaving the light house this morning:

It is crazy how just a few minutes make such a difference in the lighting.  I was not there more than 15 minutes, but look how much the colors changed!
After my trek out to the lake this morning, I came back to our little corner of the world and saw this:

Mystic morning...  Again, just a few minutes and look what a difference!

Still haven't started the meds for the chronic pancreatitis, but supposedly will have it today.  The Dr forgot to put the strength and then the pharmacy didn't have the strength in stock.  I am supposedly supposed to start today - the pharmacy is going to call when they receive it.  Small town living - gotta love it!

I was going to sew while Steve was gone, but when we finally found my sewing machine in storage it was so far back we would have had to move a mountain to get to it.  Sooo, I cannot sew yet.  Steph said I could use pR's, but we haven't gotten that 'round tuit yet.  Guess it will come...

Oh well, I am off to Steph's house.  Gonna see what trouble we can get into before her hubby comes in from offshore.  Hope you have a great day - and girls on the flip side?  Rest well.  I sure do miss you.


applesofgold said...

If ever I could haul my rear end out of bed I'd like to take some pics there too. *yawn*

But your pics are gorgeous!!!

Swimtaxi said...

That is my home town and we were just there visiting last weekend. Love the photos.