Monday, October 13, 2008

Sunday - Short and SWEET!

We went back to Sentosa Island.

Stood in line for the luge ride:

Got our safety gear on:

Checked out our path:

Read the signs:

Rode the lift up to the top:

Waited for the luge cart:

Took off , put our good skills to work and rode FAST!


I won all 3 times today - and when you add that to the time I won LAST time we went, it makes FOUR times I have won! Steve has won ZERO times. Count them; A big, fat ZERO!!!!

Darn I am good!

Here is my proof:



Anonymous said...

I had to ride the brakes really hard to keep from running over her!
They were smoking so bad at the bottom of the hill I thought the workers were going to get a fire extinguisher!

cajunsis said...

The picture is taken at the bottom of the hill, deary. Where is the smoke in the picture?

I won. No smoke. No cutting you off. I gave you head starts. I won pure and simple. I have the skill and know how to make my luge go faster.

I won. :-D

Elizabeth said...

Teehee. Eat that Stevie! You got beat fair and square! Go SIS!