Thursday, November 25, 2010

"Number 4"

So Where Did I Put the Turkey??

Here ya go:

Under the ice in the sink of course!  Nuff said.

Do you see the black kitty?  It was the only pet I have had in years, his name is Tickles - it tickles me to even have him for a pet.  pR made it for me and sent it all the way to Singapore - she has been sitting around my house for several years now.  She keeps me company.

Do you see the duck?  Meet 'Number 4'.  He has a pitiful history; poor thing was on the road out behind a truck stop.  I passed him 5 times; he was playing upside down in a water puddle the first time, the second and third time, he was right side up staring at me, the fourth time he was smooshed, the fifth time he was upside down again.  The sixth time, I was riding with my hubby and he was once again staring at me; and this time my heart would not let me pass him up.  My hubby was driving merrily along and I yelled, "STOP!"


Then he asked what was wrong.  I looked at him (how could I explain this?) and jumped out of the truck - out in the middle of nowhere, I was just out of the (not Barbie sized diesel) truck and ran to the side of his tire - very near the truck.  I think he knew then that I had lost it - finally finished losing my mind; he claims I never had much of one to lose anyway.  I was so close to the truck that he could not see what I was doing.  I pick up this poor pitiful duck and carry him back to the truck, hop in and say, "go!".  

He shakes his head, mercifully doesn't say a word, and we finish our trip.  When we get home, I bring the little squished ducky in and make him a nice sink of hot sudsy water, toss him in and let him play for a bit and then I wash him.  He was full of... ummm... dirt... yep, that's it.  Once I got him clean, I rinsed the heck out of him; and it was then I looked at his bottom.  It says number "4" - and that is all - just a number "4".  So his name is "Number 4" and he sits by Tickles now; by the sink, you know, so when I was dishes (come to think of it, in my Barbie sink) he can hop in and take a swim.  He is a happy guy now.  And I didn't lose my mind thankyouverymuch - it is still intact and my hubby can rest easy now.  I love critters and he (the duck - not hubby) is no exception.

pR got to meet him yesterday - her and Number 4 even colored together.  It was pretty obvious who was picking out the colors; since Number 4 only has wings, he was chosing her colors and she was doing the coloring.  They had a nice time chatting, coloring and being friends.  I think Number 4 is here to stay.  He knows a good thing when he sees it.

He has his very own Barbie pond in the Barbie sink, on the Barbie counter, by the Barbie stove near the Barbie fridge in our Barbie camper.

Steve made it home and now I am a happy camper.  Off to enjoy Thanksgiving now.  Love you all!

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