Monday, September 13, 2010

My First Indonesian Lesson

What a crazy mixed up day I have had.  Talk about overload!  Don't try to learn Indonesian and plan a large event in one day... it was too much to comprehend and think through  ;-)

My (bahasa) lesson went great!  However, I learned that bahasa actually means language - so I learned bahasa Indonesian  :-)  See?  There is hope for me yet.  I love our instructor - she is teaching us basics and is v-e-r-y patient with us.  Thank goodness!

We learned the Indonesian alphabet:
(Letter = Pronunciation)

A = Ah
B = Bay
C = Chay
D = Day
E = Eh
F = Ef
G = Gay
H = Ha
I = Ee
J = Jay
K = Kah
L = El
M = Em
N = En
O = Oh
P = Pay
Q = Key
R = Air
S = Ess
T = Tay
U = Ooo
V = Fay
W = Way
X = Iks
Y = Yay
Z = Zet

I found out that you can sing it just the way we sing the ABC's in America...

We learned some greetings: 

Welcome = Selamat Datang SeleMAHT (duh-tung)
Good morning = Selamat Pagi (SeleMAHT bah-gee) (hard g)
Good afternoon = Selamat Siang (SeleMAHT seeyong)
Good evening - Selamat Sore (SeleMAHT so-ray)
Good night = Selamat Malam (SeleMAHT mah-lum)
What is your name? = Siapa Nama Kamu?  (See apa Nama Kamoo)
My name is = Nama Saya Adalah
See you again! = Samapi Jumpa (Sampa-ee joompah)
Good bye = Selamat Tinngal (SeleMAHT teen-gul) (this if you are staying - as in staying and others leaving)
Good bye = Selamat Jalan (SeleMAHT jah-lawn) (if I am walking - as in leaving and others are staying)
Thank you = Termina Kasih (teri-ma kah-see)
How are you? = Apa Kabar?  (Apa kabul)
Well = Baik (Bye-eek)
I am fine too, thanks = Saya Baik-Baik Saja, terima kasih
Same same = sama sama (summuh summuh) (hmmm, I think I left something out here... this is Indonesian not Singaporean... lol... )

Ok, so I think I got most of it right... of course I might have made a mistake or two, but I think I am doing pretty well.  I posted this not so much for you as I did for me.  Reading it as I am typing it might make it sink into my brain a bit quicker.  

So my goal is to know my Indonesian ABC's (singing them) by Friday.  I will work on my greetings throughout the week.  

Next week, we will learn colors and numbers.  I sure have to do a lot of practice before then, I want to know everything I learned today by then.  

Here is some exciting news - I actually  heard someone say selamat siang today on the MRT (subway) today!  Whoot!  Hey, at least I recognized it.  I just might do this yet...

So Selamat Tinngal  for now.  :-)
and Selamat Malam!

If someone sees something I did wrong, please correct me - I want to do this right, ok?

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