Wednesday, June 25, 2008

How Long Does it Take to Change a Door Knob?

5 minutes to remove the old one - after all, I had to find the screwdriver.

2 minutes to remove the new one from the plastic.

3 minutes to figure out where the extra piece went - it went in the trash. Who needs it?

and 5 minutes to install the new one! It works perfectly!

Now if I had just done that, I would have gotten everything else done today that I needed to.


I kilzed the door. I painted the door. I painted the trim. I painted the crown molding (is that what puny little strip is called?)

THennnn, I took the curtains down on the window in the shower. Who the heck puts a window IN A SHOWER - and more imporantly one that faces the main street in front of your house??

Can you imagine the silhouettes neighbors could see? Haha, I have frosted glass, then blinds, then shower curtains over that window. Silhouettes don't happen. Unless, of course the kids...

Nope. They wouldn't do that.

Would they?

I sanded and painted the window sill. I painted the trim. I got this crazy whim to paint the crap cabinet in there that we keep wanting to replace - still need to finish THAT hairbrained idea.

Needless to say, that 15 minute door knob? It took an entire day to change it - and I still have to finish painting the cabinet.

Family and guests will not get locked in the bathroom again - my all day door knob project actually left me with a working door knob! Gosh, kids, don't you wish I had done this when you were little?

GO ME! I am still wondering what that extra piece was all about...

1 comment:

Cajunrose said...

Go you!!! Great job for getting that door knob changed. Truthfully, I'm so used to turning it the good way that I don't realize it was messed up!