Thursday, July 8, 2010


oJust before we left Singapore to go to Hawaii, we went to Vivo City to shop.  While we were there, we were looking at point and shoot cameras (remember my dying one on the picnic table at home?) to replace my old one.  It is not replacing my Nikon D-90, but I needed one I can take around the island on a quick trip and while we were on vacation.  We came across a waterproof camera, and bought it.  What the heck, we were going snorkeling and it was worth a try.  I got the pink one because they did not have the lime green one, but it all worked out.  

When we were in Hawaii, we needed to go get snorkeling gear, so we went to Costco.  My little sister had shopped around for us and found the least expensive gear there.  When we walked in Costco, I saw my lime green camera.  I stopped to admire it and the salesperson said, "It is not waterproof!"  Huh?!  I didn't ask him a thing!  He just offered that little tidbit of information without question.  "Not waterproof?"  "No mam, I have had a half a dozen brought back in the last day - all saturated and the battery and memory cards ruined."

Great.  I started to worry about that silly little camera I had bought in Singapore.  Steve and I went on our merry way, me of course worrying, and him oblivious.  Later I questioned him about it and he suggested using a smaller memory card (one we wouldn't be broken hearted if it didn't make it), being sure the camera was closed properly and giving it a try.  Once I got home, he suggested washing the salt water off of it, drying it, letting it air dry and then opening it.  

So do you think it worked?

These are just a few of the pictures I have.  We all had a blast with the camera!  We all took dozens of pictures.  Snorkeling was so wonderful!  Looking across the top of the water, you would never suspect the wonders of the world underneath the surface.  The colors of the fish are like the colors of a rainbow - and the fish are every shape and size.

I have so much more to tell you, but I am off on a tour of Palau Ubin, so I am going to post these and run.  I will post some more tomorrow.

Do you think the camera worked?


Cajunrose said...

Oh my goodness!!! I LOVE those pictures! Glad you tried it and it worked!

Sunshine and Shadows said...

I have to go snorkling the next time we are in Hawaii. Beautiful.

Noelle Reese said...

LOL Seems to have worked VERY WELL! :-)

Elizabeth said...

Awesome pictures! Love the colors!