Monday, July 23, 2012

Our garden...

Is producing by leaps and bounds!


Let me tell you what I have been doing lately...

I have picked tomatoes... LOTS of tomatoes...

Fire roasted them:

Peeled them:

Made salsa, home-made lasagna sauce and stewed tomatoes with them:

I picked peppers and pickled and canned them:

I have picked apples and made apple sauce and jelly:

Bought peaches and canned them:

I have picked okra, more mators and cucumbers... canned or froze them:

And I have shelves of veggies to show for all of our work!   Of course Steve helped me - I could not do it without him jumping in and helping me finish at the end of the day.  Isn't it pretty?

So, as you can see, I have been tending to the garden; a garden that is giving us bushels and bushels of produce!  And canning.  And freezing.  And storing.  And rearranging.  And I am bushed.

And the depression has returned with a vengeance. 

I don't understand it.  I am keeping busy, I love where I am right now and I am happy.

Why the depression?

Why does it keep returning?

I want it to GO AWAY!

Of course, all the garbage that has happened over the last month contributes to it...

Why oh why?

And so...

As the world twirls... 

I want Calgon to take me away!

But please keep my fruit and veggies!

They make me smile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the full pantry, the plentiful garden, and my sister! I hate that you are depressed and I'm too far away to help you out of the depression. I miss you and hope your week gets better quickly... Love, Shari