Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Puzzle Pieces

Today I am working on genealogy.  It all started with Steve's family having a family reunion in June.  One of the Uncles asked me to make a family book with information in it.  I thought it would be a piece of cake - but boy did it ever open up a can of worms!  

His family has apparently hoarded all of their pictures.  I have few and no stories.  

On the other hand...

I was blessed, my grandma had kept years and years (and did I say years?) of birth certificates, death certificates, baby books, letters, war bonds... you name it, she kept it.  And since I was so engrossed in every aspect of the 'olden' days, I was deemed the 'keeper of the stuff' and she and every other family member has given me everything that were tossing out.  

This has left me with a dilemma.  I have mounds of stuff:

And drawers of stuff:

And boxes of stuff:

And being the photographer we all know I am, I have pictures of headstones from every headstone I have ever visited:

So, suffice it to say, I am going through 'stuff' to see if I can put the pieces of the puzzles together.

Now, if I can just find pictures and stories for his family.

And I won't mention the mystery of my mom being adopted... 

Lots of puzzle pieces to sort out.  Anyone volunteers to help me?

I see you ducking outta sight!

1 comment:

Cajunrose said...

So glad you are doing that! It'll be all nice and done when it gets passed down to me. ;) I was never interested in that stuff before, but I am now. Can't wait to look through what you have. :)