Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fall Has Come!

I think once a week will be my updates, unless of course I have something exciting to talk about... but this week, not so much.  

Chelsea was spayed last week:

And Chelsea is not a happy camper, can you tell?
I have spoiled her some - I hand fed her for the first few days - and she took total advantage of it - then I figured out she could darned well eat on her own!

Steve and I have been working on his shop.  As you know, we got it insulated, which meant it was time to start putting up walls.  Steve figured out how to do it so I didn't have to climb up 12 feet:

Leave it to him to use his noggin' to come up with something so simple... and yes, it follows all safety guidelines for those of you asking.  His house, his guidelines, he said!

 He attached the c-clamp to the plyboard stuff, hooked it to a pulley and pulled it right into place.  He used his fancy smancy new air gun to nail it to the wall.  I won't tell you about the time he had the nail gun, in one hand, the jig saw in the other and I assume his toes wrapped around the top rung of the ladder holding on while he was trying to saw the board to go into place... yes, if it sounds awkward it was - I was watching below hoping I could catch him if he came down - but of course he didn't!

Note how high this ladder is:

Anyway, we finally got the east wall done.  Only 3 more to go.  Too bad he only has me to help - he could probably whip through this right away with someone that really DID help!  Lol....

I have also been busy... watching horses:

Keeping up with the trees that are turning...

Yes, fall is definitely here!  I went out today and it is even more colorful, but of course I didn't have my camera.  I will have it this weekend though - be watching for more pictures.

You can always tell when fall comes to Oklahoma, just take a look at the power lines:

I remember when I was a kid, we would see miles of bands of birds flying... literally.  Today I was out driving and I saw lines full of them for as far as I could see... and I only had my cell phone, but you get the idea.  Fall means thousands of starlings.

I had a scrapbooking crop with some friends this week!

We all gathered in our den and cropped away.  Well, they did - I was terribly distracted, but I totally enjoyed it anyway.  I had a great visit with the girls even though I didn't accomplish much - but it was so much fun!  I am so out of date on scrapping - how will I ever catch up to the new and improved ways?

And I have been sewing.  I have made two table runners for the holidays:

I still have a few more matching table doilies to make, but I just wanted to show you these.  

And finally, I have pulled out that batik quilt to work on again... but I may have decided I am not a quilter.  Since I am so new to quilting, I really need side by side instruction on this one, but I am winging it - which means I have to redo it over and over until it is perfect... but I am determined, I will get it.  I WILL get it done...

And so that is how my life goes... all things compared, it is rather boring right now compared to what I have been doing for years.  But I am enjoying it.  I stay home, watch the horses, do a few things on the property, sew and cook.  Even though it sounds busy, I am relaxing for once... 

Something I am definitely not used to.

But I am doing my best to get used to it.  I promise!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

OMGosh!!! I WANT that fall runner! I love them both and you do wonderful work! I love you. And next time, WARN a girl before you post a seen out the movie "The Birds," would ya???? Yeeesh!!! Gave the heebie jeebies!