Wednesday, October 14, 2009

City Life... Me?

I must accept it - no matter how I look at it, I now live in the city. Me, the girl who has always wanted to be a country girl; I am now a city girl. Ok, maybe not a city girl - but I do live in the city and I am resigned to the city life. It is not a bad thing - certainly not something I would have voted for, but being thrust in its midst, I am adapting to it.

I walk the subway corridors deep under the bustling city streets:

The only time to catch at MRT (subway) is when you are going no where...

most of the time they are jammed packed. I actually caught one where few people were going...

Shopping after 2 pm looks like this:

In the city the cranes meet modern and mean progress:

We fight the traffic; both foot and vehicle:

Taxi traveling and ques (cues) are a way of life:

Shopping for clothes and shoes can be endless and exciting:

Buildings in the city make a statement:

And artwork is a never ending supply:

I am not a city life person, but I am making do. The constant sights are intriguing and sometimes exciting. I would much rather live a quiet life in the country with the critters, but for now, I am a city girl.

In a Barbie world... lol....

Nope, I didn't find my dress...

1 comment:

surprisetriplets said...

The shoes come with feet already in them?? Weird! Love seeing your pics.