Good grief! I am going to cook roast for supper. It is one of the things I miss most when in Singapore - and check out the price :-) I am enjoying the food here. Our son-in-law made burgers for supper last night - they were yummy :-)
I have been to Ten Taco's (Tampico's) twice already - thanks Peggy. Mexican food is my favorite -mmmm gooood! They don't make it as good in Asia as they do here in the states. However, you should try the Asian food there... lol...
My cereal and milk have kept me going since I have been home. That is probably my all time favorite meal. Quick easy fix and ohhhh soooo good.
I had another CAT scan done yesterday - I am not surprised that it did not show anything. I am beginning to think I just need to ignore this... however, my blood work was a bit whopped and I really do not feel well. Yes, I know; you are sick of hearing it. I am scheduled for a scope next Thursday - in a week. Maybe it will show something. Last night I slept from 8pm until 7 am. That is soooo not me. I cannot make myself do much at all except sleep.
Today I am off to get my sick car worked on. I have an excuse when the salesman walks in to try to sell me another one - I don't need it when I live in Singapore. 180,000 miles on it and I still love my Camry.
Tropical weather due in here on Thursday - Steve better be able to get home. I will drive to the ends of the earth to get him. I miss him so darned much.
Guess that is it for today. I am running late - need to get to Baton Rouge. Later gator.
I nice big roast cooked by you sounds Great! BBQed Beef Ribs sounds Great! Boiled Crawfish sounds Great!
Best of all being back at home with you!
I can't wait!
Love Steve
Steve ....
you old softie you!!
But I bet it is wonderful being 'back home' and with "you know who" ...
hope you have a wonderful time together. :-)
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